25 Best Foods For Your Skin

19. Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds are the ultimate beauty ingredient to fight off pimples, acne and all other kinds of skin inflammation. All you need is ounce of sunflower seeds to pack up 37% of your daily dosage requirement for vitamin E, an essential nutrient for those who suffer from acne.

A recent study attempted to analyse the diet patterns of over 100 patients who were recently diagnosed with acne. The results revealed that those suffering from severe symptoms of acne had 30% lesser blood levels of vitamin E compared to a control group consisting of clear-skinned participants.

The researchers concluded that vitamin E is crucial to enhance and strengthen the immune function, which aids the body in fighting off all kinds of inflammation that triggers the development of acne.

Salted Sunflower Kernels
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20. Pumpkin

Cooked pumpkin happens to be one of the most delicious and richest source of the skin healthy beta-carotene. Research reveals that the body can convert beta-carotene into vitamin A, which is extremely crucial for the healthy growth of our skin cells. All you need is half a cup of cooked pumpkin to load up a whopping 400% if your daily dosage requirement of vitamin A, which will keep your skin supple, soft and free of all wrinkles. Besides, you can add pumpkin to several recipes to enjoy its rich and tangy flavour, such as pastas, sauces, grilled meats, soups and a lot more.

Pumpkin Vitamins
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Kristin Lee/Getty Images

21. Red Wine

Red wine is the richest source of resveratrol, a potently powerful antioxidant compound that boosts mighty anti-tumour properties and skin healing benefits. A team of researchers examined the eating patterns of over 1000 adults and the results revealed that those who consumed half a glass of red wine each day managed to reduce their risk factors for developing actinic keratoses, which are skin lesions caused by sun damage due to long-term exposure, by an impressive 28%.

Best Wine To Drink For Health
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22. Eggs

Eggs pack up an incredibly rich concentration of protein without loading up a lot of fats and calories as compared to other food-based protein sources, which makes them healthier for the skin because excessive fats can cause skin damage and inflammation. Research reveals that a high-fat diet is directly associated with premature aging and signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles. A recent study highlights that increasing your fat consumption by 17 grams can increasing your risk factors for developing wrinkles by an alarming 28%.

Egg White For Skin Tightening
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Banar Fil Ardhi / EyeEm/Getty Images

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